
专著推荐 | Linguistic Landscape语言景观

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09

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 推荐语:选编自葛俊丽 . 语言与空间:语言景观研究视角[J]. 北京第二外国语学院学报,2016, 38(4): 68-80.

科研助力 | John Benjamins应用语言学国际期刊订阅与投稿方式

科研助力 | John Benjamins 翻译学国际期刊投稿及订阅方式

科研助力 | 国际SSCI论文写作与发表策略

现实环境中用以陈列展示语言文字的物质载体称作语言标牌( linguistic signs ), 如路牌、 街牌、 广告牌、 警示牌、 店铺招牌等。在社会语言学中, 对公共语言标牌上语言使用的研究称作“语言景观”研究。Landry&Bourhis(1997:25) 最先提出并使用“ 语言景观”的概念,并将其界定为:“出现在公共路牌、广告牌、街名、地名、商铺招牌以及政府楼宇的公共标牌之上的语言共同构成某个属地、地区或城市群的语言景 观”。

语言景观研究细分为三大类:(1)狭义语言景观研究(linguistic landscape),主要研究公共空间各种标牌的语言,代表人物有Landry & Bourhis(1997:23—49)、Gorter(2006a/2006b:81—89)、Backhaus(2007)等;(2)符号景观研究(semiotic landscape),不仅研究标牌的语言,还研究空间存在的视觉图像和建筑环境等多种话语模态,代表人物有Jaworski & Thurlow(2010a:1—40);,Jaworski & Thurlow(2010b:1—40);(3)地理符号学研究(geosemiotics),主要研究物质世界的符号意义以及与该地方相关的人们的活动,代表人物有Scollon & Scollon(2003)。

2006 年之后,关于语言景观研究的著作如雨后春笋般冒出来。荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学教授Durk Gorter 编著的《语言景观:研究多语现象的一种新途径》、德国日学研究所教授Peter Backhaus 专著《语言景观:东京大都市多语现象的对比研究》、Shohamy & Gorter 合著的《语言景观:风景的延伸》、以色列特拉维夫大学教授Shohamy,Ben-Rafael & Barni 合编的《城市中的语言景观》、Gorter,Marten & van Mense 合编的《语言景观中的弱势族群语言》和荷兰蒂尔堡大学教授Jan Blommaert 专著《民族志、超多元性和语言景观:复杂性的历史回顾》都从不同视角分析了世界各地城市语言景观折射出的多语现象、语言社会地位和权力关系,剖析了这些地区复杂的历史和文化多元性。2010 年 Jaworski & Thurlow 合著的《符号景观:语言、图像与空间》进一步深化了语言景观的研究领域,提出语言是对地方景观建构和解读的其中一种元素,应更多关注地方书面话语与其他话语模态如视觉图像、非语言交际、建筑风格和建筑环境之间的互动。

本期专著推荐是Multilingual Matters出版社2018-2021年最近出版的三本新书,欢迎大家关注。



Linguistic Landscapes and Educational Spaces

Edited by: Edina Krompák, Víctor Fernández-Mallat, Stephan Meyer





How do written and other signs shape our educational spaces and practices; and how, in turn, are these written and other signs shaped by the educational spaces and practices they inhabit? Building on enquiries into the linguistic landscapes of public spaces, this volume addresses these questions and thereby further advances the educational turn in linguistic and semiotic landscapes studies. Prompted by social changes associated with migration and superdiversity, as well as imperatives to promote pluri- and multilingualism, the studies collected here speak to the interest of researchers and practitioners in educational linguistics and educational sciences. They confirm the value of combining empirical analyses of linguistic and semiotic educationscapes with action research on mobilising linguistic landscapes as pedagogical resources to promote multilingual equality.


Chapter 1. Edina Krompák, Víctor Fernández-Mallat and Stephan Meyer: The Symbolic Value of Educationscapes – Expanding the Intersections between Linguistic Landscape and Education

Part I: Assessing the Linguistic and Semiotic Landscapes of Educational Spaces

Chapter 2. Sabine Lehner: Linguistic Landscapes and Constructions of Space in a Learning Club for Young Refugees in Vienna

Chapter 3. Leona Harris, Una Cunningham, Jeanette King and Dyanna Stirling: Landscape Design for Language Revitalisation: Linguistic Landscape In and Beyond a Māori Immersion Early Childhood Centre

Chapter 4. Carla Bagna and Martina Bellinzona: Italian Linguistic Schoolscape: Neo-plurilingualism in an Age of Migration

Chapter 5. Corey Huang Fanglei: Displaying Care: The Neoliberal Semiotic Landscape of Psychological Health Services Posters on a University Campus in Hong Kong

Chapter 6. Boglárka Straszer and David Kroik: Promoting Indigenous Language Rights in Saami Educational Spaces: Findings from a Preschool in Southern Saepmie

Chapter 7. Edina Krompák: Blackboard – A Space within a Space. Visible Linguistic and Social Practices in Swiss Primary Classrooms

Part II: Linguistic Landscape as a Pedagogical Resource

Chapter 8. Mieke Vandenbroucke: Institutional Educationscapes for New Speakers in Flanders: Language Learning Campaigns and Linguistic Integration

Chapter 9. Kirk P.H. Sullivan, Christian Waldmann and Maria Wiklund: Using Participatory Linguistic Landscapes as Pedagogy for Democracy: A Didactic Study in a Primary School Classroom

Chapter 10. July De Wilde, Johannes Verhoene, Jo Tondeur and Ellen Van Praet: 'Go in Practice': Linguistic Landscape and Outdoor Learning

Chapter 11. Solvita Burr: Linguistic Landscape Signs in First-Language Learning Materials: From Passively Illustrative Function to Meaningful Learning Experiences

Chapter 12. Yu Li: Cultural Authenticity in the Linguistic Landscape: Developing Additional-Language Learners' Critical Intercultural Understanding

Chapter 13. Durk Gorter and Jasone Cenoz: Linguistic Landscapes in Educational Contexts: An Afterword



Expanding the Linguistic Landscape: Linguistic Diversity, Multimodality and the Use of Space as a Semiotic Resource

Edited by: Ari Sherris, Elisabetta Adami

ISBN 9781788921909




This book provides a forum for theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions to research on language(s), multimodality and public space, which will advance new ways of understanding the sociocultural, ideological and historical role of communication practices and experienced lives in a globalised world. Linguistic Landscape is viewed as a metaphor and expanded to include a wide variety of discursive modalities: imagery, non-verbal communication, silence, tactile and aural communication, graffiti, smell, etc. The chapters in this book cover a range of geographical locations, and capture the history, motives, uses, causes, ideologies, communication practices and conflicts of diverse forms of languages as they may be observed in public spaces of the physical environment. The book is anchored in a variety of theories, methodologies and frameworks, from economics, politics and sociology to linguistics and applied linguistics, literacy and education, cultural geography and human rights.


Martin Pütz and Neele Mundt: Multilingualism, Multimodality and Methodology: Linguistic Landscape Research in the Context of Assemblages, Ideologies and (In)visibility – An Introduction

Part 1: General Issues, Methodology and LL as a Pedagogical Resource

Chapter 1. Elana Shohamy: Linguistic Landscape after a Decade: An Overview of Themes, Debates and Future Directions

Chapter 2. Durk Gorter: Methods and Techniques for Linguistic Landscape Research: About Definitions, Core Issues and Technological Innovations

Chapter 3. David Malinowski: Learning To Translate Linguistic Landscape

Part 2: Broadening the Field of Semiotic Landscapes: Semiotic Assemblages, Multimodality and Contemporary Urban Spaces

Chapter 4. Alastair Pennycook: Linguistic Landscapes and Semiotic Assemblages

Chapter 5. Adam Jaworski: The Art of Silence in Upmarket Spaces of Commerce

Chapter 6. Christine Domke: Multimodality in the City: On the Media, Perception and Locatedness of Public Textscapes

Chapter 7. Ying-Hsueh Hu: Multilingual Audio Announcements: Power and Identity

Part 3: Expanding LL Studies: Power Relations, Acts of Resilience and Diachronic Changes

Chapter 8. Karsten Legère and Tove Rosendal: Linguistic Landscapes and the African Perspective

Chapter 9. Sabine Diao-Klaeger and Rosalie Zongo: Slogans as Part of Burkina Faso's Linguistic Landscape during the Insurrection in 2014

Chapter 10. Isabelle Buchstaller and Seraphim Alvanides: Investigating the Bilingual Landscape of the Marshall Islands

Chapter 11. Irina Moore: Linguistic, Ethnic and Cultural Tensions in the Sociolinguistic Landscape of Vilnius: A Diachronic Analysis

Chapter 12. Evelyn Ziegler, Ulrich Schmitz and Haci-Halil Uslucan: Attitudes towards Visual Multilingualism in the Linguistic Landscape of the Ruhr Area                                         



Making Signs, Translanguaging Ethnographies: Exploring Urban, Rural and Educational Spaces

Edited by: Ari Sherris, Elisabetta Adami


Edited by: Ari Sherris, Elisabetta Adami




This book is the beginning of a conversation across Social Semiotics, Translanguaging, Complexity Theory and Radical Sociolinguistics. In its explorations of meaning, multimodality, communication and emerging language practices, the book includes theoretical and empirical chapters that move toward an understanding of communication in its dynamic complexity, and its social semiotic and situated character. It relocates current debates in linguistics and in multimodality, as well as conceptions of centers/margins, by re-conceptualizing communicative practice through investigation of indigenous/oral communities, street art performances, migration contexts, recycling artefacts and signage repurposing. The book takes an innovative approach to both the form and content of its scholarly writing, and will be of interest to all those involved in interdisciplinary thinking, researching and writing.


Chapter 1. Ari Sherris and Elisabetta Adami: Unifying Entanglements and Dynamic Relationalities: An Introduction

Chapter 2. Jan Blommaert, Ofelia García, Gunther Kress and Diane Larsen-Freeman: Communicating Beyond Diversity: A Bricolage of Theories

Chapter 3. Elisabetta Adami: Multimodal Sign-making in Superdiverse Contexts: The Case of Leeds Kirkgate Market

Chapter 4. Arlene Archer and Anders Björkvall: Material Sign-making in Diverse Contexts: 'Upcycled' Artefacts as Refracting Global / Local Discourses

Chapter 5. Felix Banda, Hambaba Jimaima and Lorato Mokwena: Semiotic Remediation of Chinese Signage in the Linguistic Landscapes of Two Rural Areas of Zambia

Chapter 6. Jessica Bradley and Emilee Moore: Resemiotisation and Creative Production: Extending the Translanguaging Lens

Chapter 7. Nirukshi Perera: Gesture and Translanguaging at the Tamil Temple

Chapter 8. Samantha Goodchild and Miriam Weidl: Translanguaging Practices in the Casamance, Senegal: Similar but Different: Two Case Studies

Chapter 9. Ari Sherris, Paul Schaefer and Samua Mango Aworo: The Paradox of Translanguaging in Safaliba, a Rural Indigenous Ghanaian Language

Chapter 10. Ari Sherris and Elisabetta Adami: Heterarchic Commentaries

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